Author: HeadsUp Inspection Services
“Be prepared!” At time of this writing, just coming out of the worst Texas cold snap of the century (both 20th and 21st), reminding ourselves of that cliché may seem trite, frustrating, even insulting to our intelligence. But, considering what we’ve just endured, there may be enough preparedness finger pointing to go around. […]
A fun way to learn about home inspections.
Home Inspection with Kenny…Gee?! is a fun presentation explaining the history and function of the home inspection process in an entertaining way. Enjoy!
Good House Ventilation
Ventilated Homes say, “GET OUT, AND DON’T COME BACK!” Imagine a stuffy house trying to say that to the air inside it. A home that breathes, however, will declare it with authority. So much for houses that talk, but it is true that homes cannot be free of bad air quality without being able to […]
New Home Construction
New home construction deficiency Identifying new home construction deficiencies to claim under a builder warranty is an important responsibility of the new homeowner. Some construction deficiencies may be obvious, such as water not coming out of a faucet, or lights not turning on when switched. Other deficiencies involving performance and material condition, however, may only […]
New Home Foundations
Owners of newly constructed homes have a unique opportunity to document the original condition of their home’s foundation. The Foundation Elevation Survey provides measurement and documentation of the original level of the foundation. Original data is beneficial when comparing future measurements to determine actual movement of the foundation over time, making it particularly useful in anticipation of the 10 […]
HeadsUp Realtor Newsletter Vol.1 Num.1
HeadsUp Realtor Newsletter. Real estate insights to help realtors help their clients.
Tips for the Home Inspection
Tips for the Home Inspection. Information to ensure a successful inspection.
HeadsUp Homeowner Newsletter Vol.1,No.1
Homeowner Newsletter. Always timely information for the responsible homeowner.