
Good House Ventilation

Ventilated Homes say, "GET OUT, AND DON'T COME BACK!"

Imagine a stuffy house trying to say that to the air inside it. A home that breathes, however, will declare it with authority.

So much for houses that talk, but it is true that homes cannot be free of bad air quality without being able to breathe. The ability to introduce and circulate fresh air is important to getting rid of old stale air.  Pete Lewiston, HeadsUp Inspection Services inspects used as well as newly constructed homes to regularly find ventilation deficiencies. The purpose of a real estate, or "home" inspection is to provide knowledgeable and accurate information about the condition of the building. The inspection client can then make decisions based on factual knowledge of current condition and function of the home. The inspection finding of inadequate ventilation should raise a caution flag for the prospective home buyer, as well as the current homeowner.
Everything needs to “breathe,” literally, which is the reason for so many exhaust and circulation systems in our modern, tightly sealed homes. For example, components like whole house ventilation pull in fresh air, while appliance vents and bathroom exhaust  fans push it back out. Building ventilation is the respiratory system of a healthy home. Bad air can be caused by moisture; heat; dust, dander and microbial spores; and the operation of mechanical components like gas appliance burners. That's why ventilation is such an important aspect of controlling interior air quality.
HeadsUp Inspection Services inspects home ventilation systems as well as other common structural and mechanical components of residential and commercial properties. Other optional systems regularly inspected include swimming pools and spas; irrigation sprinkler systems; septic systems; and water wells. Please visit HeadsUpHome.com for more information, or to order an inspection 24/7.  Or call 469 612-5440 with questions about real estate and property inspection.